About me

Hello Friend!

I’m so glad you're here! Take a look around and let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything specific I can help you with.

In the mean time, here's a little bit about me. :)

I’m married to an amazing, kind and funny husband, and we have 4 awesome kids plus a son-in-law, and a grandbabe! They are so special to me and I thank God for them, as well as for all my family and friends, each and every day!

More than anything, I love Jesus and I'm so grateful for all my blessings. I adore spending time with my family and friends, having deep conversations, connecting with people and learning what makes them happy.

I believe we were created for a purpose and that we should never stop challenging ourselves to be the best we can be.

I am passionate about helping and encouraging others to reach their full potential and spend a lot of time studying and learning...mostly in the areas of nutrition and preventative health.

I’ve been interested in health and nutrition for as long as I can remember but it wasn’t until late 2001 that I began to really understand the power of Preventative and Proactive Health.

At that time, I had psoriasis, anxiety and regular migraines and our youngest daughter had bleeding eczema.

I was told (and believed) that these were things we were just going to have to deal with. So, we did what we could and often used Rxs to treat the symptoms.

Then one day, my friend suggested I try a preventative approach instead of the treatment approach.

I decided we had nothing to lose so I took her advice and I'm so glad I did!

Within the first month, my migraines stopped, my psoriasis & anxiety improved (and eventually went away) and my daughter’s eczema completely cleared up in 3 weeks! Our whole family’s health improved!

That decision changed the whole trajectory of my life.  

It is now my life’s purpose to help people claim their health back and I have a special heart for kids...especially those dealing with eczema and other health issues.

I believe our bodies were designed to be healthy and that healing is quite possible. We just have to give them a little help. To do that, we need to know how...

I'd love to hear about your health challenges/goals and what's important to you as well as share with you what I’ve done to help myself, our family and others improve their health.  

I can educate, support and give you some steps that you can take to get started right away.

I believe with all my heart that you can improve your health and the health of your family and I'd love to help you.

It’s time to take control, to claim back your health and to love and enjoy this amazing life we've been given! 

It's time to live your purpose.

I look forward to helping you do that!

In Love and Health,
